Castle Rushen High School

Care • Quality • Opportunity


Year 10 ICT
Term of Study

Topic Covered


Autumn Term

  • Audience and file Management
  • Document Production
  • Mail Merge
  • Types and components of Computer Systems
  • Hardware and Software
  • Operating Systems
  • Input and Output devices
  • Presentations
  • Continuous assessment of Practical Skills
  • Teacher assessment of skills in lessons
  • ItsLearning Quiz
  • Homework’s
  • Socrative Quiz
  • Written Past Question
  • Exam Style Question
  • Verbal Questioning

Spring Term

  • Storage devices and media
  • ICT in banking
  • ICT in education
  • Computer Networks
  • ICT Applications 1
  • Spreadsheets
  • Exam Style Questions
  • Past Paper
  • On line Quiz
  • Socrative
  • Homework
  • Knowledge Tests

Summer Term

  • ICT Applications 2
  • Effects of Using ICT
  • ICT in employment – working patterns
  • Health and Safety Issues
  • HTML and CSS
  • Assessment of Practical Skills
  • Ongoing skills tasks in lessons
  • ItsLearning Quiz
  • homework
  • Mock Paper

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Year 10

Year 10

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